Dev C++ Intellisense

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  4. Visual Studio Code C++ Intellisense

IntelliSense for C is available for stand-alone files as well as for files that are part of a C project. In cross-platform projects, some IntelliSense features are available in.cpp and.c files in the shared code project, even when you are in an Android or iOS context. This article provides an overview of C IntelliSense features.

  1. Oct 21, 2011  I'm glad there's better intellisense support for C in VS 2011, but is there a way of making it behave the same way as in C#? As far as I can tell at the moment there don't seem to be any options to customise it's behaviour e.g. Custom characters to commit to a selection in the completion list.
  2. These two settings are available in ccppproperties.json and can be confusing. This array of path strings is used by the 'Default' IntelliSense engine. This new engine provides semantic-aware IntelliSense features and will be the eventual replacement for the Tag Parser that has been powering the extension since it was first released.
  3. Intellisens can't find C include files from WSL 1 Solution Intellisense reports 550 errors while using WSL. float128 undefined, and cplusplus is wrong 0 Solution C IntelliSense: It will fail parsing valid C identifiers because the code is copied from Microsoft Word or from PDFs.
  4. Feb 03, 2018  In this video I am going to show, How to Set Up C Development With Visual Studio Code on Windows 10. We will use MinGW with VS code as our compiler and debugging tool.
  5. Assisted IntelliSense – C. IntelliCode saves you time by putting what you’re most likely to use at the top of your completion list. IntelliCode recommendations are based on thousands of open source projects on GitHub each with over 100 stars.
  6. C intellisense suggestions is slow and inaccurate windows 10.0 visual studio 2017 version 15.5 preview performance editor C Pavel Yosifovich reported Dec 04, 2017 at 04:21 PM.

IntelliSense is a name given to a set of features that make coding more convenient. IntelliSense for C++ is available for stand-alone files as well as for files that are part of a C++ project. In cross-platform projects, some IntelliSense features are available in .cpp and .c files in the shared code project, even when you are in an Android or iOS context.

This article provides an overview of C++ IntelliSense features. For information on how to configure your project for IntelliSense and how to troubleshoot problems, see Configure a C++ project for IntelliSense.

IntelliSense features in C++

IntelliSense is a name given to a set of features that make coding more convenient. Since different people have different ideas about what is convenient, virtually all of the IntelliSense features can be enabled or disabled in the Options dialog box, under Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced. The Options dialog box is available from the Tools menu on the menu bar.

You can use the menu items and keyboard shortcuts shown in the following image to access IntelliSense.

Statement completion and member list

When you start typing a keyword, type, function, variable name, or other program element that the compiler recognizes, the editor offers to complete the word for you.

For a list of the icons and their meanings, see Class View and Object Browser icons.

The first time that you invoke member list, it only shows members that are accessible for the current context. If you press Ctrl+J after that, it shows all members regardless of accessibility. If you invoke it a third time, an even wider list of program elements is shown. You can turn off member list in the Options dialog box, under Text Editor > C/C++ > General > Auto list members.

Parameter help

When you type an opening brace of a function call, or angle bracket on a class template variable declaration, the editor shows a small window with the parameter types for each overload of the function or constructor. The 'current' parameter—based on the cursor location—is in bold. You can turn off parameter information in the Options dialog box, under Text Editor > C/C++ > General > Parameter information.

Quick Info

When you hover the mouse cursor over a variable, a small window appears inline that shows the type information and the header in which the type is defined. Hover over a function call to see the function's signature. You can turn off Quick Info in the Options dialog box, under Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced > Auto Quick Info.

Error squiggles

Squiggles under a program element (variable, keyword, brace, type name, and so on) call your attention to an error or potential error in the code. A green squiggle appears when you write a forward declaration, to remind you that you still need to write the implementation. A purple squiggle appears in a shared project when there is an error in code that is not currently active, for example when you are working in the Windows context but enter something that would be an error in an Android context. A red squiggle indicates a compiler error or warning in active code that you need to deal with.

Code colorization and fonts

The default colors and fonts can be changed in the Options dialog box, under Environment > Fonts and Colors. You can change the fonts for many UI windows here, not just the editor. The settings that are specific to C++ begin with 'C++'; the other settings are for all languages.

Cross-platform IntelliSense

In a shared code project, some IntelliSense features such as squiggles are available even when you are working in an Android context. If you write some code that would result in an error in an inactive project, IntelliSense still shows squiggles, but they are in a different color than squiggles for errors in the current context.

Consider an OpenGLES Application that's configured to build for Android and iOS. The illustration shows shared code being edited. In this image, the active project is iOS.StaticLibrary:

Notice the following:

  • The #ifdef branch on line 6 is grayed out to indicate an inactive region, because __ANDROID__ is not defined for the iOS project.

  • The greeting variable at line 11 is initialized with the identifier HELLO, which now has a red squiggle. This is because no identifier HELLO is defined in the currently active iOS project.

  • Line 12 has a purple squiggle on the identifier BYE because this identifier isn't defined in the (currently) inactive Android.NativeActivity project. Even though this line compiles when iOS is the active project, it won't compile when Android is the active project. Since this is shared code, you should correct the code even though it compiles in the currently active configuration.

If you change the active project to Android, the squiggles change:

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  • The #else branch on line 8 is grayed out to indicate an inactive region, because __ANDROID__ is defined for Android project.

  • The greeting variable at line 11 is initialized with identifier HELLO, which has a purple squiggle. This is because no identifier HELLO is defined in the currently inactive iOS project.

  • Line 12 has a red squiggle on the identifier BYE because this identifier is not defined in the active project.

IntelliSense for stand-alone files

When you open a single file outside of any project, you still get IntelliSense. You can enable or disable particular IntelliSense features in the Options dialog box, under Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced. To configure IntelliSense for single files that aren't part of a project, look for the IntelliSense and browsing for non-project files section.

By default, single file IntelliSense only uses standard include directories to find header files. To add additional directories, open the shortcut menu on the Solution node, and add your directory to Debug Source Code list, as the following illustration shows:

Enable or disable features

Since different people have different ideas about what is convenient, virtually all of the IntelliSense features can be enabled or disabled in the Options dialog box, under Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced. The Options dialog box is available from the Tools menu on the menu bar.

See also


IntelliSense is a code-completion aid that includes a number of features: List Members, Parameter Info, Quick Info, and Complete Word. These features help you to learn more about the code you're using, keep track of the parameters you're typing, and add calls to properties and methods with only a few keystrokes.

Many aspects of IntelliSense are language-specific. For more information about IntelliSense for different languages, see the topics listed in the See also section.

List Members

A list of valid members from a type (or namespace) appears after you type a trigger character (for example, a period (.) in managed code or :: in C++). If you continue typing characters, the list is filtered to include only the members that begin with those characters or where the beginning of any word within the name starts with those characters. IntelliSense also performs 'camel case' matching, so you can just type the first letter of each camel-cased word in the member name to see the matches.

After selecting an item, you can insert it into your code by pressing Tab or by typing a space. If you select an item and type a period, the item appears followed by the period, which brings up another member list. When you select an item but before you insert it, you get Quick Info for the item.

In the member list, the icon to the left represents the type of the member, such as namespace, class, function, or variable. For a list of icons, see Class View and Object Browser icons. The list may be quite long, so you can press PgUp and PgDn to move up or down in the list.

You can invoke the List Members feature manually by typing Ctrl+J, choosing Edit > IntelliSense > List Members, or by choosing the List Members button on the editor toolbar. When it is invoked on a blank line or outside a recognizable scope, the list displays symbols in the global namespace.

To turn List Members off by default (so that it does not appear unless specifically invoked), go to Tools > Options > All Languages and deselect Auto list members. If you want to turn off List Members only for a specific language, go to the General settings for that language.

You can also change to suggestion mode, in which only the text you type is inserted into the code. For example, if you enter an identifier that is not in the list and press Tab, in completion mode the entry would replace the typed identifier. To toggle between completion mode and suggestion mode, press Ctrl+Alt+Space, or choose Edit > IntelliSense > Toggle Completion Mode.

Parameter Info

Parameter Info gives you information about the number, names, and types of parameters required by a method, attribute generic type parameter (in C#), or template (in C++).

The parameter in bold indicates the next parameter that is required as you type the function. For overloaded functions, you can use the Up and Down arrow keys to view alternative parameter information for the function overloads.

When you annotate functions and parameters with XML Documentation comments, the comments will display as Parameter Info. For more information, see Supply XML code comments.

You can manually invoke Parameter Info by choosing Edit > IntelliSense > Parameter Info, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space, or by choosing the Parameter Info button on the editor toolbar.

Quick Info

Quick Info displays the complete declaration for any identifier in your code.

When you select a member from the List Members box, Quick Info also appears.

You can manually invoke Quick Info by choosing Edit > IntelliSense > Quick Info, by pressing Ctrl+I, or by choosing the Quick Info button on the editor toolbar.

If a function is overloaded, IntelliSense may not display information for all forms of the overload.

You can turn Quick Info off for C++ code by navigating to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced, and setting Auto Quick Info to false.

Complete Word

Complete Word completes the rest of a variable, command, or function name after you have entered enough characters to disambiguate the term. You can invoke Complete Word by choosing Edit > IntelliSense > Complete Word, by pressing Ctrl+Space, or by choosing the Complete Word button on the editor toolbar.

IntelliSense options

IntelliSense options are on by default. To turn them off, choose Tools > Options > Text Editor and deselect Parameter information or Auto list members if you do not want the List Members feature.

IntelliSense icons

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The icons in IntelliSense can convey additional meaning with icon modifiers. These are stars, hearts, and locks layered on top of the object's icon that convey protected, internal, or private, respectively. How to reinstall boot camp assistant on mac.

Public classAccess is not restricted.
Protected classAccess is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class.
Protected internal classAccess is limited to the current assembly or types derived from the containing class.
Internal classAccess is limited to the current assembly.
Private classAccess is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class within the current assembly. (Available since C# 7.2.)

Troubleshoot IntelliSense

The IntelliSense options may not work as you expect in certain cases.

The cursor is below a code error. You might not be able to use IntelliSense if an incomplete function or other error exists in the code above the cursor because IntelliSense might not be able to parse the code elements. You can resolve this problem by commenting out the applicable code.

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The cursor is in a code comment. You can't use IntelliSense if the cursor is in a comment in your source file.

The cursor is in a string literal. You can't use IntelliSense if the cursor is in the quotation marks around a string literal, as in the following example:

The automatic options are turned off. By default, IntelliSense works automatically, but you can disable it. Even if automatic statement completion is disabled, you can invoke an IntelliSense feature.

Visual Studio Code C++ Intellisense

See also